Here is a small list of things I’ve learned after a few years living/traveling in my vans. I’m sure these will grow with time.
Vehicle Advice
- Double check your jack before a trip, a spare is useless otherwise.
- Even if doing a drive for the day, carry food and water for three.
- If you’re really heading into the wilderness, an extra serpentine belt isn’t a bad idea.
- If you’re in the West and below half a tank, stop at the next gas station.
Camp Advice
- The worse the road, the sparser the neighbors.
- If you don’t want neighbors, a tin foil hat sends a pretty clear signal.
- The closer you are to foliage, the more likely a mouse will find your vehicle.
- Think about what a prospective camp will look like in a torrential downpour.
- Most BLM and Forrest Service land allows up to 14 days of free camping, go cheap.
- Always have a plan-B for your hoped campsite, coming up with one at 11pm sucks.
- You’ll have better relations with Rangers, Game Wardens, etc. if you have a tidy camp.