If any of these catch your eye and you would love to own one, or know someone who would, I would love to hear from you! Fill out the form below with the post name, and if the photo has no title, which number photo it is from the top of the post (for example: first photo in “Bones of the Earth”, say Bones of the Earth #1). I will always send a confirmation e-mail just to make sure I’m getting the correct image. A REMINDER: All photos online are of lower quality than what I can have printed, as sometimes bandwidth can be an issue on the road. I’m still working out some of the details, but I should be able to have prints made while on the road and sent to you. That being said, I may be 150 miles from the closest print shop, in which case I’d have it done the next time I’m near civilization. I look forward to providing some amazing shots in any size you happen to desire. All photos available for purchase will also be available in the gallery below.
Here is a Gallery of my photos as they are released, although I will wait until a certain theme has finished before I out them here. I will also include the diagrams from the educational posts.